Change your coffee drinking habit into a coffee tasting experience with Mukwano Coffee​
About Us: Established in 2015. Mukwano Coffee Roasters started in Casper Wyoming by our good friends the Hornes. They lived in Uganda for a few years and in that time became great friends with people and families there who lived, owned, and operated coffee farms. When they came back to the States, they wanted to continue to support their new found friends they made and communities they lived in. In that desire, Mukwano Coffee was born. It is now operated in Rawlins, Wyoming by Cody and Christine Anderson. We offer single origin sourced coffee for single bag orders, retail sales, wholesale sales, as well as monthly subscriptions. Single origin coffees do not come in blends but are roasted in order to draw out the natural flavors of the beans based on region, elevation, soil and more. Our beans are specialty grade quality and fall into the third wave specialty coffee category. We have our roastery and coffee shop in Rawlins, Wyoming and operate a coffee trailer throughout the summer. You may even be able to catch us at a local event or farmers market around the great state of Wyoming.
Vision: We aim to help people learn more about coffee. From various topics like: where coffee comes from, what a coffee bean really is, how to brew it, what grind setting to use with your gear, and many more ways to change your coffee drinking habit into a coffee tasting experience. We want to help the everyday person experience a high quality cup of coffee at home every day as well as on the road. You won't have to be without your favorite coffee no matter where you are; and we can show you how.
We care about our customers. Providing a coffee service for our community and events is a way we can show our attitude and desire for service. We want our shop to be a hub where people in our community can gather, socialize, hang out and build relationships.
We love getting to be part of events, fund raisers, and many other ways to engage in our communities. Check us out and see if theres some way we can be of service to you!
Why Choose Mukwano?
Relationship and Quality - Coffee makes friends and friends get coffee. Mukwano gwange means “my friend” in Luganda. In the regions we source our coffee beans from, they help support families, friendship, and community to help sustain coffee farms. People in East Africa depend on our coffee consumption for their everyday living. These people need one another in order to keep the farms going and producing beans. We may not see many people in the state of Wyoming, but those we do see often are close. In Wyoming, coffee keeps us going, especially in our tough winters. Whether it's on the ranch, the oilfield, or enjoying some of the countries top hunting, camping, and fishing spots, and we want our coffee to be a staple to bring along with you no matter the location.
Coffee doesn't expire so don't settle for the coffee on the supermarket shelf thats gone stale? How long has that really been there? Was it sourced ethically and fairly? Who knows! With Mukwano Coffee you can be assured you'll get the freshest bean every time as well as help provide for farmers in a fair and ethical way. Coffee farms are a generational business. It takes months to years to grow coffee beans for a single bag of coffee. With Mukwano you get precision in the hand picking of the most ripe coffee cherries for your beans.
Gives Back, Fair Trade, & Ethical - It is our aim to source primarily East African coffee beans from small plot farmers, family farms, and co-ops. The region has a special place in the development of the business through personal friendships and we believe in the economic development of that region through coffee farming. Many of these small farmers are feeding their families and sending their children to school because people like you drink the coffee that they grow. We source beans from widows and single mothers as well as from small family farms and co-ops who are giving back to their communities by providing schools and clean water sources. Many of these farms are run by families that depend on these coffee beans for their everyday living. Our beans are planted, grown, and picked by real individual people, not machines, so you can experience the best quality taste and flavor in your coffee cup.
Specific Roast Profiles - Coffee has many different flavors and tasting notes. In addition, its distinctive fruit filled, citrus, acidic, and floral flavors along with the full bodied aroma are unbeatable! We roast our beans as single origin beans, meaning we don't do blending of beans, with a couple exceptions. When we roast out beans we determine the best roast level to pull out and highlight the unique flavor profile of that bean based on region, elevation, moisture, exposure to the sun and more. This makes each cup of coffee have a great taste. Don't worry about bitterness or too much acidity. Our coffee is smooth and leaves you wishing you had another cup.
Coffee that tastes so good and does so much good is a great benefit! You can enjoy every delicious cup knowing you are making a difference locally as well as internationally!